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Insurance Programs

Medical Insurance

We offer a comprehensive range of medical insurance products that can be tailored to meet the varying needs of a diverse range of customers, from small businesses or multinational corporations to schools or organizations. This is achieved through a variety of flexible and diverse insurance programs that align with your needs and offer affordable premiums to ensure your coverage.

  • Coverage includes in-hospital treatment expenses, including surgeries, hospital stays, and intensive care.
  • Coverage for outpatient clinic expenses (consultations, tests, X-rays, medications, physiotherapy).
  • Coverage for additional services such as dental care, eyeglasses, pregnancy, and childbirth.
  • Coverage for same-day surgeries.
  • Coverage for cosmetic procedures resulting from accidents.
  • Coverage for prescribed medications from outpatient clinics.
All of this is provided through the best healthcare companies that have contracts with top medical service providers.